It has never been that easy!
Manage your flights with just a few clicks in less than 5 minutes!
No other software on the market compares with AVIATOS when it comes to the broad level of utilization and functionality. Due to changes in European Aviation Law, even smaller flight operations are now legally required to perform and document certain administrative tasks. AVIATOS covers following features under one solution:

Initiate a flight
Owners, customers, pilots and backoffice can plan and initiate a flightsetup in less then 5 minutes.
Information Management
Centralized flight information management which makes flight preparation easy, gives you a perfect overview and ensures automatic information distribution.
Modern Flight Documentation
AVIATOS supports pilots to ease cockpit workflow and flight organization. It perfectly fits modern flight documentation solutions.
Our Products
Powerful Add-Ons
Customer Voice:
We are very happy to use AVIATOS from the start.
With all its features starting from pilots/aircraft/handing records, over reservation calender, it is a very good tool to have all necessary infomation in one programm and more.
Specially the new option to export data to PPS flight planinng programm is a big time saver and makes day to day planning much easier.
At JETFLY we are one of the launch customers of AVIATOS.
Since we were primarily looking for a solution to record our flight and duty times and cosmic radiation exposure of the crew in a standardized way, AVIATOS turned out to be a simple and also economic solution for our needs.
Moreover we use it to keep track of our crew training requirements and to follow up on the data integrity of the post flight entries into the aircrafts technical logbook.
As NP Crew Training the most used function from my side is the documet management function for crew members.
Easy to use, it gives you flexibility to adapt it to operational needs and you can store old and expired documents in order to fulfill all regulatory requirements.
We work with AVIATOS on a daily base with several clients and it gives us the possibility and flexibility to have everything in sight with one tool.
Setting up and monitoring new flights is easy and with several task you can mark and monitor the different stages of the status of the flight. Also the client has an easy access to see with one click what’s the latest status of his next flight! With the notification function you can choose by yourself, whom to notify specifically or keep updated frequently for updates/changes or specific informations.
No matter if we need a manual or any aircraft or crew certificates or determine any important upcoming data to a specific airport or country, with AVIATOS we can manage the information along with our clients to keep them in the loop anytime.